Source code for spinn_machine.routing_entry

# Copyright (c) 2024 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (Any, Collection, FrozenSet, Optional, overload, Tuple,
from spinn_machine.router import Router
from .exceptions import (SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException)

[docs] class RoutingEntry(object): """ Represents an entry in a SpiNNaker chip's multicast routing table. """ __slots__ = ( "_defaultable", "_processor_ids", "_link_ids", "_spinnaker_route", "__repr") @overload def __init__(self, *, processor_ids: Union[int, Collection[int]], link_ids: Union[int, Collection[int]], incoming_processor: Optional[int] = None, incoming_link: Optional[int] = None, defaultable: None = None, spinnaker_route: None = None): ... @overload def __init__(self, *, processor_ids: None = None, link_ids: None = None, incoming_processor: None = None, incoming_link: None = None, defaultable: Optional[bool] = False, spinnaker_route: int): ... # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, *, processor_ids: Optional[Union[int, Collection[int]]] = None, link_ids: Optional[Union[int, Collection[int]]] = None, incoming_processor: Optional[int] = None, incoming_link: Optional[int] = None, defaultable: Optional[bool] = None, spinnaker_route: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ .. note:: The processor_ids and link_ids parameters are only optional if a spinnaker_route is provided. If a spinnaker_route is provided the processor_ids and link_ids parameters are ignored. :param processor_ids: The destination processor IDs :type processor_ids: iterable(int) or None :param link_ids: The destination link IDs :type link_ids: iterable(int) or None :param bool defaultable: If this entry is defaultable (it receives packets from its directly opposite route position) :param spinnaker_route: The processor_ids and link_ids expressed as a single int. :type spinnaker_route: int or None :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: * If processor_ids contains the same ID more than once * If link_ids contains the same ID more than once :raise TypeError: if no spinnaker_route provided and either processor_ids or link_ids is missing or `None` """ self.__repr: Optional[str] = None self._link_ids: Optional[FrozenSet[int]] self._processor_ids: Optional[FrozenSet[int]] # Add processor IDs, ignore duplicates if spinnaker_route is None: assert processor_ids is not None assert link_ids is not None assert defaultable is None if isinstance(processor_ids, int): processor_ids = [processor_ids] if isinstance(link_ids, int): link_ids = [link_ids] self._processor_ids = frozenset(processor_ids) self._link_ids = frozenset(link_ids) self._spinnaker_route: int = self._calc_spinnaker_route() if incoming_link is None: self._defaultable = False else: if incoming_processor is None: if len(link_ids) != 1: self._defaultable = False else: link_id = next(iter(link_ids)) self._defaultable = ( ((incoming_link + 3) % 6) == link_id) else: raise SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException( "incoming_processor", incoming_processor, "The incoming direction for a path can only be from " "either one link or one processors, not both") else: assert processor_ids is None assert link_ids is None assert incoming_link is None assert incoming_processor is None self._spinnaker_route = spinnaker_route self._processor_ids = None self._link_ids = None if defaultable: self._defaultable = True else: self._defaultable = False @property def processor_ids(self) -> FrozenSet[int]: """ The destination processor IDs. :rtype: frozenset(int) """ if self._processor_ids is None: self._processor_ids, self._link_ids = self._calc_routing_ids() return self._processor_ids @property def link_ids(self) -> FrozenSet[int]: """ The destination link IDs. :rtype: frozenset(int) """ if self._link_ids is None: self._processor_ids, self._link_ids = self._calc_routing_ids() return self._link_ids @property def defaultable(self) -> bool: """ Whether this entry is a defaultable entry. An entry is defaultable if it is duplicating the default behaviour of the SpiNNaker router (to pass a message out on the link opposite from where it was received, without routing it to any processors; source and destination chips for a message cannot be defaultable). :rtype: bool """ return self._defaultable @property def spinnaker_route(self) -> int: """ The encoded SpiNNaker route. :rtype: int """ return self._spinnaker_route
[docs] def merge(self, other: RoutingEntry) -> RoutingEntry: """ Merges together two routing entries. The merge will join the processor IDs and link IDs from both the entries. This could be used to add a new destination to an existing route in a routing table. It is also possible to use the add (`+`) operator or the or (`|`) operator with the same effect. :param ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry other: The multicast entry to merge with this entry :return: A new multicast routing entry with merged destinations :rtype: ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException: If the key and mask of the other entry do not match """ # 2 different merged routes can NEVER be defaultable if self == other: return self return RoutingEntry( spinnaker_route=self.spinnaker_route | other.spinnaker_route, defaultable=False)
def __eq__(self, other_entry: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other_entry, RoutingEntry): return False if self._spinnaker_route != other_entry._spinnaker_route: return False return (self._defaultable == other_entry.defaultable) def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._spinnaker_route * 29 * int(self._defaultable) * 131 def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self) -> str: if not self.__repr: self.__repr = ( f"{{{', '.join(map(str, sorted(self.processor_ids)))}}}:" f"{{{', '.join(map(str, sorted(self.link_ids)))}}}") if self._defaultable: self.__repr += "(defaultable)" return self.__repr def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def _calc_spinnaker_route(self) -> int: """ Convert a routing table entry represented in software to a binary routing table entry usable on the machine. :rtype: int """ route_entry = 0 assert self._processor_ids is not None for processor_id in self._processor_ids: route_entry |= (1 << (Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER + processor_id)) assert self._link_ids is not None for link_id in self._link_ids: route_entry |= (1 << link_id) return route_entry def _calc_routing_ids(self) -> Tuple[FrozenSet[int], FrozenSet[int]]: """ Convert a binary routing table entry usable on the machine to lists of route IDs usable in a routing table entry represented in software. :rtype: tuple(frozenset(int), frozenset(int)) """ processor_ids = (pi for pi in range(0, Router.MAX_CORES_PER_ROUTER) if self._spinnaker_route & 1 << (Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER + pi)) link_ids = (li for li in range(0, Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER) if self._spinnaker_route & 1 << li) return frozenset(processor_ids), frozenset(link_ids)