These pages document the python code for the SpiNNMachine module which is part of the SpiNNaker Project

This code depends on SpiNNUtils. (Combined_documentation).


A python abstraction of a SpiNNaker Machine. The main functionality is provided by spinn_machine.Machine.

Functional Requirements

  • Create a machine which represents the current state of a machine, in terms of the available chips, cores on the chips, SDRAM available, routable links between chips and available routing entries.

  • Create a machine which represents an abstract ideal machine.

    • There can only be one chip in the machine with given x, y coordinates
    • There can only be one processor in each chip with a given processor id
    • There can only be one link in the router of each chip with a given id
  • Add a chip to a given machine to represent an external device.

    • A chip with the same x, y coordinates must not already exist in the machine
  • Add a link to a router of a given chip to represent a connection to an external device.

    • A link with the given id must not already exist in the chip
  • Create a representation of a multicast routing entry to be shared between modules that deal with routing entries.

Use Cases

  • Machine is returned as a representation of the current state of a machine.
  • Machine is used as an outline of a machine on which a simulation will be run e.g. for placement of executables and/or finding routes between placed executables.
  • Machine is extended to add a virtual Chip on the machine representing an external peripheral connected to the machine directly via a link from a chip, so that routes can be directed to and from the external peripheral
  • MulticastRoutingEntry is returned in a list of entries, which indicate the current set of routing entries within a multicast routing table on a chip on the machine.
  • MulticastRoutingEntry is sent in a list of routing entries to set up routing on a chip on the machine.

Indices and tables