Source code for spinn_machine.json_machine

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import json
    from import defaultdict, namedtuple, OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, OrderedDict
from .chip import Chip
from .processor import Processor
from .router import Router
from .sdram import SDRAM
from .link import Link
from .machine_factory import machine_from_size

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# A description of a standard set of resources possessed by a chip
_Desc = namedtuple("_Desc", [
    # The cores where the monitors are
    # The entries on the router
    # The speed of the router
    # The amount of SDRAM on the chip
    # Whether this is a virtual chip
    # What tags this chip has

JAVA_MAX_INT = 2147483647

[docs]def machine_from_json(j_machine): """ :param j_machine: json description of the machine :type j_machine: dict in format returned by json.load or a str representing a path to the json file """ if isinstance(j_machine, str): with open(j_machine) as j_file: j_machine = json.load(j_file) processors_by_cores = {} # get the default values width = j_machine["width"] height = j_machine["height"] machine = machine_from_size(width, height, origin="Json") s_monitors = j_machine["standardResources"]["monitors"] s_router_entries = j_machine["standardResources"]["routerEntries"] s_router_clock_speed = \ j_machine["standardResources"]["routerClockSpeed"] s_sdram = SDRAM(j_machine["standardResources"]["sdram"]) s_tag_ids = j_machine["standardResources"]["tags"] e_monitors = j_machine["ethernetResources"]["monitors"] e_router_entries = j_machine["ethernetResources"]["routerEntries"] e_router_clock_speed = \ j_machine["ethernetResources"]["routerClockSpeed"] e_sdram = SDRAM(j_machine["ethernetResources"]["sdram"]) e_tag_ids = j_machine["ethernetResources"]["tags"] for j_chip in j_machine["chips"]: details = j_chip[2] source_x = j_chip[0] source_y = j_chip[1] nearest_ethernet = details["ethernet"] # get the details if "ipAddress" in details: ip_address = details["ipAddress"] clock_speed = e_router_clock_speed router_entries = e_router_entries sdram = e_sdram tag_ids = e_tag_ids monitors = e_monitors else: ip_address = None clock_speed = s_router_clock_speed router_entries = s_router_entries sdram = s_sdram tag_ids = s_tag_ids monitors = s_monitors if len(j_chip) > 3: exceptions = j_chip[3] if "monitors" in exceptions: monitors = exceptions["monitors"] if "routerClockSpeed" in exceptions: clock_speed = exceptions["routerClockSpeed"] if "routerEntries" in exceptions: router_entries = exceptions["routerEntries"] if "sdram" in exceptions: sdram = SDRAM(exceptions["sdram"]) if "tags" in exceptions: tag_ids = exceptions["tags"] # create a router based on the details processors = _get_processors( details["cores"], monitors, processors_by_cores) if "deadLinks" in details: dead_links = details["deadLinks"] else: dead_links = [] links = [] for source_link_id in range(6): if source_link_id not in dead_links: destination_x, destination_y = machine.xy_over_link( source_x, source_y, source_link_id) links.append(Link( source_x, source_y, source_link_id, destination_x, destination_y)) router = Router(links, False, clock_speed, router_entries) # Create and add a chip with this router chip = Chip( source_x, source_y, processors, router, sdram, nearest_ethernet[0], nearest_ethernet[1], ip_address, False, tag_ids) machine.add_chip(chip) machine.add_spinnaker_links() machine.add_fpga_links() return machine
def _get_processors(cores, monitors, processors_by_cores): if not (cores, monitors) in processors_by_cores: processors = [] for i in range(0, monitors): processors.append(Processor.factory(0, True)) for i in range(monitors, cores): processors.append(Processor.factory(i)) processors_by_cores[(cores, monitors)] = processors return processors_by_cores[(cores, monitors)] def _int_value(value): if value < JAVA_MAX_INT: return value else: return JAVA_MAX_INT def _find_virtual_links(machine): """ Find all the virtual links and their inverse. As these may well go to an unexpected source :param machine: Machine to convert :return: Map of Chip to list of virtual links """ virtual_links_dict = defaultdict(list) for chip in machine._virtual_chips: # assume all links need special treatment for link in chip.router.links: virtual_links_dict[chip].append(link) # Find and save inverse link as well inverse_id = ((link.source_link_id + OPPOSITE_LINK_OFFSET) % Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER) destination = machine.get_chip_at( link.destination_x, link.destination_y) inverse_link = destination.router.get_link(inverse_id) assert(inverse_link.destination_x == chip.x) assert(inverse_link.destination_y == chip.y) virtual_links_dict[destination].append(inverse_link) return virtual_links_dict def _describe_chip(chip, std, eth, virtual_links_dict): """ Produce a JSON-suitable description of a single chip. :param chip: The chip to describe. :param std: The standard chip resources. :param eth: The standard ethernet chip resources. :param virtual_links_dict: Where the virtual links are. :return: Description of chip that is trivial to serialize as JSON. """ details = OrderedDict() details["cores"] = chip.n_processors if chip.nearest_ethernet_x is not None: details["ethernet"] =\ [chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y] dead_links = [] for link_id in range(0, Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER): if not chip.router.is_link(link_id): dead_links.append(link_id) if dead_links: details["deadLinks"] = dead_links if chip in virtual_links_dict: links = [] for link in virtual_links_dict[chip]: link_details = OrderedDict() link_details["sourceLinkId"] = link.source_link_id link_details["destinationX"] = link.destination_x link_details["destinationY"] = link.destination_y links.append(link_details) details["links"] = links exceptions = OrderedDict() router_entries = _int_value( chip.router.n_available_multicast_entries) if chip.ip_address is not None: details['ipAddress'] = chip.ip_address # Write the Resources ONLY if different from the e_values if (chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors) != eth.monitors: exceptions["monitors"] = \ chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors if router_entries != eth.router_entries: exceptions["routerEntries"] = router_entries if chip.router.clock_speed != eth.router_clock_speed: exceptions["routerClockSpeed"] = \ chip.router.n_available_multicast_entries if chip.sdram.size != eth.sdram: exceptions["sdram"] = chip.sdram.size if chip.virtual != eth.virtual: exceptions["virtual"] = chip.virtual if chip.tag_ids != eth.tags: details["tags"] = list(chip.tag_ids) else: # Write the Resources ONLY if different from the s_values if (chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors) != std.monitors: exceptions["monitors"] = \ chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors if router_entries != std.router_entries: exceptions["routerEntries"] = router_entries if chip.router.clock_speed != std.router_clock_speed: exceptions["routerClockSpeed"] = \ chip.router.clock_speed if chip.sdram.size != std.sdram: exceptions["sdram"] = chip.sdram.size if chip.virtual != std.virtual: exceptions["virtual"] = chip.virtual if chip.tag_ids != std.tags: details["tags"] = list(chip.tag_ids) if exceptions: return [chip.x, chip.y, details, exceptions] else: return [chip.x, chip.y, details]
[docs]def to_json(machine): """ Runs the code to write the machine in Java readable JSON. :param machine: Machine to convert :type machine: :py:class:`spinn_machine.machine.Machine` """ # Find the std values for one non-ethernet chip to use as standard std = None for chip in machine.chips: if chip.ip_address is None: std = _Desc( monitors=chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors, router_entries=_int_value( chip.router.n_available_multicast_entries), router_clock_speed=chip.router.clock_speed, sdram=chip.sdram.size, virtual=chip.virtual, tags=chip.tag_ids) break else: # Probably ought to warn if std is unpopulated pass # find the eth values to use for ethernet chips chip = machine.boot_chip eth = _Desc( monitors=chip.n_processors - chip.n_user_processors, router_entries=_int_value( chip.router.n_available_multicast_entries), router_clock_speed=chip.router.clock_speed, sdram=chip.sdram.size, virtual=chip.virtual, tags=chip.tag_ids) # Save the standard data to be used as defaults to none ethernet chips standard_resources = OrderedDict() standard_resources["monitors"] = std.monitors standard_resources["routerEntries"] = std.router_entries standard_resources["routerClockSpeed"] = std.router_clock_speed standard_resources["sdram"] = std.sdram standard_resources["virtual"] = std.virtual standard_resources["tags"] = list(std.tags) # Save the standard data to be used as defaults to none ethernet chips ethernet_resources = OrderedDict() ethernet_resources["monitors"] = eth.monitors ethernet_resources["routerEntries"] = eth.router_entries ethernet_resources["routerClockSpeed"] = eth.router_clock_speed ethernet_resources["sdram"] = eth.sdram ethernet_resources["virtual"] = eth.virtual ethernet_resources["tags"] = list(eth.tags) # write basic stuff json_obj = OrderedDict() json_obj["height"] = machine.height json_obj["width"] = machine.width # Could be removed but need to check all use case json_obj["root"] = [0, 0] json_obj["standardResources"] = standard_resources json_obj["ethernetResources"] = ethernet_resources json_obj["chips"] = [] virtual_links_dict = _find_virtual_links(machine) # handle chips for chip in machine.chips: json_obj["chips"].append(_describe_chip( chip, std, eth, virtual_links_dict)) return json_obj
[docs]def to_json_path(machine, file_path): """ Runs the code to write the machine in Java readable JSON. :param machine: Machine to convert :type machine: :py:class:`spinn_machine.machine.Machine` :param file_path: Location to write file to. Warning will overwrite! :type file_path: str """ json_obj = to_json(machine) # dump to json file with open(file_path, "w") as f: json.dump(json_obj, f)