Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import Callable
from import UtilsDataWriter
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_machine import Machine
from spinn_machine.virtual_machine import virtual_machine_by_boards
from .machine_data_view import MachineDataView, _MachineDataModel
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
__temp_dir = None

# pylint: disable=protected-access

[docs] class MachineDataWriter(UtilsDataWriter, MachineDataView): """ See UtilsDataWriter. This class is designed to only be used directly within the SpiNNMachine repository unit tests as all methods are available to subclasses. """ __data = _MachineDataModel() __slots__ = () @overrides(UtilsDataWriter._mock) def _mock(self) -> None: UtilsDataWriter._mock(self) self.__data._clear() self.__data._machine_generator = self._mock_machine def _mock_machine(self) -> None: """ Method to create a virtual machine in mock mode. """ self.set_machine(virtual_machine_by_boards(1)) @overrides(UtilsDataWriter._setup) def _setup(self) -> None: UtilsDataWriter._setup(self) self.__data._clear() @overrides(UtilsDataWriter._hard_reset) def _hard_reset(self) -> None: UtilsDataWriter._hard_reset(self) self.__data._hard_reset() @overrides(UtilsDataWriter._soft_reset) def _soft_reset(self) -> None: UtilsDataWriter._soft_reset(self) self.__data._soft_reset()
[docs] def get_user_accessed_machine(self) -> bool: """ Reports if `...View.get_machine` has been called outside of ``. Designed to only be used from ASB. Any other use is not supported """ return self.__data._user_accessed_machine
[docs] def set_machine(self, machine: Machine): """ Sets the machine. :param Machine machine: :raises TypeError: it the machine is not a Machine """ if not isinstance(machine, Machine): raise TypeError("machine should be a Machine") self.__data._machine = machine
[docs] def clear_machine(self) -> None: """ Clears any previously set machine. .. warning:: Designed to only be used by ASB to remove a max machine before allocating an actual one. Any other use is not supported. Will be removed without notice if `max_machine` is no longer done. """ self.__data._machine = None
[docs] def set_machine_generator(self, machine_generator: Callable[[], None]): """ Registers a function that can be called to give a machine. Note that if the function does not actually register a machine when called, an exception will be thrown. :param function machine_generator: """ if not callable(machine_generator): raise TypeError("machine_generator must be callable") self.__data._machine_generator = machine_generator
[docs] def add_monitor_core(self, all_chips: bool): """ Accepts a simple of the monitor cores to be added. Called by PacmanDataWriter add_sample_monitor_vertex. Only affect is to change the numbers reported by the get_all/ethernet_monitor methods. :param bool all_chips: If True assumes that this Vertex will be placed on all chips including Ethernet ones. If False assumes that this Vertex type will only be placed on Ethernet Vertices """ self.__data._ethernet_monitor_cores += 1 if all_chips: self.__data._all_monitor_cores += 1