Source code for spinn_machine.no_wrap_machine

# Copyright (c) 2019 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from typing import Iterable, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from .machine import Machine
from .chip import Chip

[docs] class NoWrapMachine(Machine): """ This is a Machine that uses a subsection of the whole Machine. It will therefore have no wrap in either directions. This class provides the simpler maths that do not deal with wraps. """
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_xys_by_ethernet) def get_xys_by_ethernet( self, ethernet_x: int, ethernet_y: int) -> Iterable[XY]: for (x, y) in self._chip_core_map: yield (x + ethernet_x, y + ethernet_y)
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_xy_cores_by_ethernet) def get_xy_cores_by_ethernet( self, ethernet_x: int, ethernet_y: int ) -> Iterable[Tuple[XY, int]]: for (x, y), n_cores in self._chip_core_map.items(): # if Ethernet_x/y != 0 GIGO mode so ignore Ethernet yield ((x + ethernet_x, y + ethernet_y), n_cores)
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_existing_xys_by_ethernet) def get_existing_xys_by_ethernet( self, ethernet_x: int, ethernet_y: int) -> Iterable[XY]: for (x, y) in self._chip_core_map: chip_xy = (x + ethernet_x, y + ethernet_y) if chip_xy in self._chips: yield chip_xy
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_down_xys_by_ethernet) def get_down_xys_by_ethernet( self, ethernet_x: int, ethernet_y: int) -> Iterable[XY]: for (x, y) in self._chip_core_map: chip_xy = ((x + ethernet_x), (y + ethernet_y)) if chip_xy not in self._chips: yield chip_xy
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_local_xy) def get_local_xy(self, chip: Chip) -> XY: local_x = chip.x - chip.nearest_ethernet_x local_y = chip.y - chip.nearest_ethernet_y return local_x, local_y
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_global_xy) def get_global_xy( self, local_x: int, local_y: int, ethernet_x: int, ethernet_y: int) -> XY: global_x = local_x + ethernet_x global_y = local_y + ethernet_y return global_x, global_y
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_vector_length) def get_vector_length(self, source: XY, destination: XY) -> int: x = destination[0] - source[0] y = destination[1] - source[1] # When vectors are minimised, (1,1,1) is added or subtracted from them. # This process does not change the range of numbers in the vector. # When a vector is minimal, # it is easy to see that the range of numbers gives the # magnitude since there are at most two non-zero numbers (with opposite # signs) and the sum of their magnitudes will also be their range. # # Though ideally this code would be written:: # # >>> return max(x, y, z) - min(x, y, z) # This can be farther optimised with then knowledge that z is always 0 # An x and y having the same sign they can be replaced with a z # I.E. Replace a North and an East with a NorthEast # So the length is the greater absolute value of x or y # If the are opposite use the sum of the absolute values if x > 0: if y > 0: # the greater abs if x > y: return x else: return y else: # abs(positive x) + abs(negative y) return x - y else: if y > 0: return y - x else: # the greater abs if x > y: return - y else: return - x
[docs] @overrides(Machine.get_vector) def get_vector(self, source: XY, destination: XY) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return self._minimize_vector( destination[0]-source[0], destination[1]-source[1])
[docs] @overrides(Machine.concentric_xys) def concentric_xys(self, radius: int, start: XY) -> Iterable[XY]: # Aliases for convenience return self._basic_concentric_xys(radius, start)
@property @overrides(Machine.wrap) def wrap(self) -> str: return "NoWrap"