Source code for spinn_machine.router

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
    Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING)
from .exceptions import (
    SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException, SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException)
    from .link import Link
    from .multicast_routing_entry import MulticastRoutingEntry
    from .routing_entry import RoutingEntry

[docs] class Router(object): """ Represents a router of a chip, with a set of available links. The router is iterable over the links, providing (source_link_id, link) where: * ``source_link_id`` is the ID of a link * ``link`` is the :py:class:`Link` with ID ``source_link_id`` """ # The maximum number of links/directions a router can handle MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER = 6 # Number to add or sub from a link to get its opposite LINK_OPPOSITE = 3 MAX_CORES_PER_ROUTER = 18 __slots__ = ("_links", "_n_available_multicast_entries") def __init__( self, links: Iterable[Link], n_available_multicast_entries: int): """ :param iterable(~spinn_machine.Link) links: iterable of links :param int n_available_multicast_entries: The number of entries available in the routing table :raise ~spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: If any two links have the same ``source_link_id`` """ self._links: Dict[int, Link] = dict() for link in links: self.add_link(link) self._n_available_multicast_entries = n_available_multicast_entries def __contains__(self, source_link_id: int) -> bool: """ See :py:meth:`is_link` """ return self.is_link(source_link_id) def __getitem__(self, source_link_id: int) -> Optional[Link]: """ See :py:meth:`get_link` """ return self.get_link(source_link_id) @property def links(self) -> Iterator[Link]: """ The available links of this router. :rtype: iterable(~spinn_machine.Link) """ return iter(self._links.values()) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, Link]]: """ Get an iterable of source link IDs and links in the router. :return: an iterable of tuples of ``(source_link_id, link)`` where: * ``source_link_id`` is the ID of the link * ``link`` is a router link :rtype: iterable(int, ~spinn_machine.Link) """ return iter(self._links.items()) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Get the number of links in the router. :return: The length of the underlying iterable :rtype: int """ return len(self._links) @property def n_available_multicast_entries(self) -> int: """ The number of available multicast entries in the routing tables. :rtype: int """ return self._n_available_multicast_entries
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_routing_table_entry_to_spinnaker_route( routing_table_entry: Union[ MulticastRoutingEntry, RoutingEntry]) -> int: """ Convert a routing table entry represented in software to a binary routing table entry usable on the machine. :param routing_table_entry: The entry to convert :type routing_table_entry: ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry or ~spinn_machine.RoutingEntry :rtype: int """ route_entry = 0 for processor_id in routing_table_entry.processor_ids: if processor_id >= Router.MAX_CORES_PER_ROUTER or processor_id < 0: raise SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException( "route.processor_ids", str(routing_table_entry.processor_ids), "Processor IDs must be between 0 and " + str(Router.MAX_CORES_PER_ROUTER - 1)) route_entry |= (1 << (Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER + processor_id)) for link_id in routing_table_entry.link_ids: if link_id >= Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER or link_id < 0: raise SpinnMachineInvalidParameterException( "route.link_ids", str(routing_table_entry.link_ids), "Link IDs must be between 0 and " + str(Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER - 1)) route_entry |= (1 << link_id) return route_entry
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_spinnaker_route_to_routing_ids(route: int) -> Tuple[ List[int], List[int]]: """ Convert a binary routing table entry usable on the machine to lists of route IDs usable in a routing table entry represented in software. :param int route: The routing table entry :return: The list of processor IDs, and the list of link IDs. :rtype: tuple(list(int), list(int)) """ processor_ids = [pi for pi in range(0, Router.MAX_CORES_PER_ROUTER) if route & 1 << (Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER + pi)] link_ids = [li for li in range(0, Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER) if route & 1 << li] return processor_ids, link_ids
[docs] def get_neighbouring_chips_coords(self) -> List[Dict[str, int]]: """ Utility method to convert links into x and y coordinates. :return: iterable list of destination coordinates in x and y dict :rtype: iterable(dict(str,int)) """ return [ {'x': link.destination_x, 'y': link.destination_y} for link in self.links]
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"[Router: " f"available_entries={self._n_available_multicast_entries}, " f"links={list(self._links.values())}]") def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs] @staticmethod def opposite(link_id: int) -> int: """ Given a valid link_id this method returns its opposite. GIGO: this method assumes the input is valid. No verification is done :param int link_id: A valid link_id :return: The link_id for the opposite direction :rtype: int """ # Mod is faster than if return (link_id + Router.LINK_OPPOSITE) % Router.MAX_LINKS_PER_ROUTER