Source code for spinn_machine.chip

from collections import OrderedDict
from .exceptions import SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException

[docs]class Chip(object): """ Represents a chip with a number of cores, an amount of SDRAM shared between the cores, and a router.\ The chip is iterable over the processors providing\ (processor_id, processor) where: * processor_id is the id of a processor * processor is the processor with processor_id """ # tag 0 is reserved for stuff like IO STD IPTAG_IDS = set(range(1, 8)) __slots__ = ( "_x", "_y", "_p", "_router", "_sdram", "_ip_address", "_virtual", "_tag_ids", "_nearest_ethernet_x", "_nearest_ethernet_y", "_n_user_processors" ) def __init__(self, x, y, processors, router, sdram, nearest_ethernet_x, nearest_ethernet_y, ip_address=None, virtual=False, tag_ids=IPTAG_IDS): """ :param x: the x-coordinate of the chip's position in the\ two-dimensional grid of chips :type x: int :param y: the y-coordinate of the chip's position in the\ two-dimensional grid of chips :type y: int :param processors: an iterable of processor objects :type processors: iterable of\ :py:class:`spinn_machine.Processor` :param router: a router for the chip :type router: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Router` :param sdram: an SDRAM for the chip :type sdram: :py:class:`spinn_machine.SDRAM` :param ip_address: the IP address of the chip or None if no Ethernet\ attached :type ip_address: str :param virtual: boolean which defines if this chip is a virtual one :type virtual: bool :param tag_ids: Id to identify the chip for SDP :type tag_ids: iterable of int :param nearest_ethernet_x: the nearest Ethernet x coord :type nearest_ethernet_x: int or None :param nearest_ethernet_y: the nearest Ethernet y coord :type nearest_ethernet_y: int or None :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: If\ processors contains any two processors with the same\ processor_id """ self._x = x self._y = y self._p = OrderedDict() self._n_user_processors = 0 for processor in sorted(processors, key=lambda i: i.processor_id): if processor.processor_id in self._p: raise SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException( "processor on {}:{}".format(x, y), str(processor.processor_id)) self._p[processor.processor_id] = processor if not processor.is_monitor: self._n_user_processors += 1 self._router = router self._sdram = sdram self._ip_address = ip_address self._virtual = virtual self._tag_ids = tag_ids self._nearest_ethernet_x = nearest_ethernet_x self._nearest_ethernet_y = nearest_ethernet_y
[docs] def is_processor_with_id(self, processor_id): """ Determines if a processor with the given id exists in the chip.\ Also implemented as __getitem__(processor_id) :param processor_id: the processor id to check for :type processor_id: int :return: True or False based on the existence of the processor :rtype: bool :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return processor_id in self._p
def __getitem__(self, processor_id): """ see :py:meth:`is_processor_with_id` """ return self.is_processor_with_id(processor_id)
[docs] def get_processor_with_id(self, processor_id): """ Return the processor with the specified id or None if the\ processor does not exist.\ Also implemented as __contains__(processor_id) :param processor_id: the id of the processor to return :type processor_id: int :return: the processor with the specified id or None if no such\ processor :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Processor` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ if processor_id in self._p: return self._p[processor_id] return None
def __contains__(self, processor_id): """ see :py:meth:`get_processor_with_id` """ return self.get_processor_with_id(processor_id) @property def x(self): """ The x-coordinate of the chip in the two-dimensional grid of chips :return: the x-coordinate of the chip :rtype: int :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._x @property def y(self): """ The y-coordinate of the chip in the two-dimensional grid of chips :return: the y-coordinate of the chip :rtype: int :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._y @property def processors(self): """ An iterable of available processors :return: iterable of processors :rtype: iterable of :py:class:spinn_machine.Processor` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._p.itervalues() @property def n_processors(self): """ The total number of processors """ return len(self._p) @property def n_user_processors(self): """ The total number of processors that are not monitors """ return self._n_user_processors @property def virtual(self): """ boolean which defines if the chip is virtual or not :return: if the chip is virtual :rtype: boolean :raise None: this method does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._virtual def __iter__(self): """ Get an iterable of processor identifiers and processors :return: An iterable of (processor_id, processor) where: * processor_id is the id of a processor * processor is the processor with the id :rtype: iterable of (int, :py:class:spinn_machine.Processor`) :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._p.iteritems() def __len__(self): """Get the number of processors associated with this chip. :return: The number of items in the underlying iterator. :rtype: int """ return len(self._p) @property def router(self): """ The router object associated with the chip :return: router associated with the chip :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Router` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._router @property def sdram(self): """ The sdram associated with the chip :return: sdram associated with the chip :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.SDRAM` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._sdram @property def ip_address(self): """ The IP address of the chip :return: IP address of the chip, or None if there is no Ethernet\ connected to the chip :rtype: str :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._ip_address @property def nearest_ethernet_x(self): """ the x coord of the nearest Ethernet chip :return: the x coord of the nearest Ethernet chip :rtype: int :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._nearest_ethernet_x @property def nearest_ethernet_y(self): """ the y coord of the nearest Ethernet chip :return: the y coord of the nearest Ethernet chip :rtype: int :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._nearest_ethernet_y @property def tag_ids(self): """ The tag ids supported by this chip :return: the set of ids. :raise None: this method does not raise any exception """ return self._tag_ids
[docs] def get_first_none_monitor_processor(self): """ Get the first processor in the list which is not a monitor core :return: a processor """ for processor in self.processors: if not processor.is_monitor: return processor
[docs] def reserve_a_system_processor(self): """ This method should ONLY be called via\ Machine.reserve_system_processors Sets one of the none monitor processors as a system processor Updates n_user_processors :return:\ The id of the processor reserved, or None if no processor could\ be found :rtype: int or None """ for processor_id, processor in self._p.iteritems(): if not processor.is_monitor: system_processor = processor.clone_as_system_processor() self._p[processor_id] = system_processor self._n_user_processors -= 1 return processor_id return None
def __str__(self): return ("[Chip: x={}, y={}, sdram={}, ip_address={}, router={}," " processors={}, nearest_ethernet={}:{}]" .format(self._x, self._y, self.sdram, self.ip_address, self.router, self._p.values(), self._nearest_ethernet_x, self._nearest_ethernet_y)) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()