Source code for spinn_machine.machine

# spinn_machine imports
from .exceptions import SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException
from .core_subsets import CoreSubsets
from spinn_machine.link_data_objects import FPGALinkData, SpinnakerLinkData

# general imports
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class Machine(object): """ A Representation of a Machine with a number of Chips. Machine is also\ iterable, providing ((x, y), chip) where: * x is the x-coordinate of a chip * y is the y-coordinate of a chip * chip is the chip with the given x, y coordinates """ # current opinions is that the Ethernet connected chip can handle 10 # UDP packets per millisecond MAX_BANDWIDTH_PER_ETHERNET_CONNECTED_CHIP = 10 * 256 # Table of the amount to add to the x and y coordinates to get the # coordinates down the given link (0-5) LINK_ADD_TABLE = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1)] BOARD_48_CHIP_GAPS = { (0, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6), (0, 7), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7), (2, 6), (2, 7), (3, 7), (5, 0), (6, 0), (6, 1), (7, 0), (7, 1), (7, 2) } __slots__ = ( "_boot_x", "_boot_y", "_boot_ethernet_address", "_chips", "_ethernet_connected_chips", "_fpga_links", "_max_chip_x", "_max_chip_y", "_spinnaker_links", "_maximum_user_cores_on_chip" ) def __init__(self, chips, boot_x, boot_y): """ :param chips: An iterable of chips in the machine :type chips: iterable of :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :param boot_x: The x-coordinate of the chip used to boot the machine :type boot_x: int :param boot_y: The y-coordinate of the chip used to boot the machine :type boot_y: int :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: If\ any two chips have the same x and y coordinates """ # The maximum chip x coordinate self._max_chip_x = 0 # The maximum chip y coordinate self._max_chip_y = 0 # The maximum number of user cores on any chip self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip = 0 # The list of chips with Ethernet connections self._ethernet_connected_chips = list() # The dictionary of spinnaker links by board address and "id" (int) self._spinnaker_links = dict() # The dictionary of FPGA links by board address, FPGA and link id self._fpga_links = dict() # Store the boot chip information self._boot_x = boot_x self._boot_y = boot_y self._boot_ethernet_address = None # The dictionary of chips self._chips = OrderedDict() self.add_chips(chips)
[docs] def add_chip(self, chip): """ Add a chip to the machine :param chip: The chip to add to the machine :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :return: Nothing is returned :rtype: None :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: If\ a chip with the same x and y coordinates already exists """ chip_id = (chip.x, chip.y) if chip_id in self._chips: raise SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException( "chip", "{}, {}".format(chip.x, chip.y)) self._chips[chip_id] = chip if chip.x > self._max_chip_x: self._max_chip_x = chip.x if chip.y > self._max_chip_y: self._max_chip_y = chip.y if chip.ip_address is not None: self._ethernet_connected_chips.append(chip) if (chip.x == self._boot_x) and (chip.y == self._boot_y): self._boot_ethernet_address = chip.ip_address if chip.n_user_processors > self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip: self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip = chip.n_user_processors
[docs] def add_chips(self, chips): """ Add some chips to the machine :param chips: an iterable of chips :type chips: iterable of :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :return: Nothing is returned :rtype: None :raise spinn_machine.exceptions.SpinnMachineAlreadyExistsException: If\ a chip with the same x and y coordinates as one being\ added already exists """ for next_chip in chips: self.add_chip(next_chip)
@property def chips(self): """ An iterable of chips in the machine :return: An iterable of chips :rtype: iterable of :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._chips.itervalues() @property def chip_coordinates(self): """ An iterable of chip coordinates in the machine :return: An iterable of chip coordinates :rtype: iterable of (int, int) """ return self._chips.iterkeys() def __iter__(self): """ Get an iterable of the chip coordinates and chips :return: An iterable of tuples of ((x, y), chip) where: * (x, y) is a tuple where: * x is the x-coordinate of a chip * y is the y-coordinate of a chip * chip is a chip :rtype: iterable of ((int, int), :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip`) :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return self._chips.iteritems() def __len__(self): """ Get the total number of chips. :return: The number of items in the underlying iterable :rtype: int """ return len(self._chips)
[docs] def get_chip_at(self, x, y): """ Get the chip at a specific (x, y) location.\ Also implemented as __getitem__((x, y)) :param x: the x-coordinate of the requested chip :type x: int :param y: the y-coordinate of the requested chip :type y: int :return: the chip at the specified location, or None if no such chip :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ chip_id = (x, y) if chip_id in self._chips: return self._chips[chip_id] return None
def __getitem__(self, x_y_tuple): """ Get the chip at a specific (x, y) location :param x_y_tuple: A tuple of (x, y) where: * x is the x-coordinate of the chip to retrieve * y is the y-coordinate of the chip to retrieve :type x_y_tuple: (int, int) :return: the chip at the specified location, or None if no such chip :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ x, y = x_y_tuple return self.get_chip_at(x, y)
[docs] def is_chip_at(self, x, y): """ Determine if a chip exists at the given coordinates.\ Also implemented as __contains__((x, y)) :param x: x location of the chip to test for existence :type x: int :param y: y location of the chip to test for existence :type y: int :return: True if the chip exists, False otherwise :rtype: bool :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ return (x, y) in self._chips
def __contains__(self, x_y_tuple): """ Determine if a chip exists at the given coordinates :param x_y_tuple: A tuple of (x, y) where: * x is the x-coordinate of the chip to retrieve * y is the y-coordinate of the chip to retrieve :type x_y_tuple: (int, int) :return: True if the chip exists, False otherwise :rtype: bool :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions """ x, y = x_y_tuple return self.is_chip_at(x, y) @property def max_chip_x(self): """ The maximum x-coordinate of any chip in the board :return: The maximum x-coordinate :rtype: int """ return self._max_chip_x @property def max_chip_y(self): """ The maximum y-coordinate of any chip in the board :return: The maximum y-coordinate :rtype: int """ return self._max_chip_y @property def n_chips(self): return len(self._chips) @property def ethernet_connected_chips(self): """ The chips in the machine that have an Ethernet connection :return: An iterable of chips :rtype: iterable of :py:class:`spinn_machine.Chip` """ return self._ethernet_connected_chips @property def spinnaker_links(self): """ The set of spinnaker links in the machine :return: An iterable of spinnaker links :rtype: iterable of\ :py:class:`spinn_machine.link_data_objects.SpinnakerLinkData` """ return self._spinnaker_links.iteritems() def _add_fpga_link(self, fpga_id, fpga_link, x, y, link, board_address): if self.is_chip_at(x, y): if not self.is_link_at(x, y, link): self._fpga_links[board_address, fpga_id, fpga_link] = \ FPGALinkData( fpga_link_id=fpga_link, fpga_id=fpga_id, connected_chip_x=x, connected_chip_y=y, connected_link=link, board_address=board_address) def __str__(self): return "[Machine: max_x={}, max_y={}, chips={}]".format( self._max_chip_x, self._max_chip_y, self._chips.values()) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def boot_x(self): """ The x-coordinate of the chip used to boot the machine :rtype: int """ return self._boot_x @property def boot_y(self): """ The y-coordinate of the chip used to boot the machine :rtype: int """ return self._boot_y @property def boot_chip(self): """ The chip used to boot the machine :rtype: `py:class:spinn_machine.Chip` """ return self._chips[(self._boot_x, self._boot_y)]
[docs] def get_chips_on_board(self, chip): """ Get the chips that are on the same board as the given chip :param chip: The chip to find other chips on the same board as :return: An iterable of (x, y) coordinates of chips on the same board """ eth_x = chip.nearest_ethernet_x eth_y = chip.nearest_ethernet_y for chip_x, chip_y in zip(range(0, 8), range(0, 8)): x = eth_x + chip_x y = eth_y + chip_y if (self.is_chip_at(x, y) and (x, y) not in Machine.BOARD_48_CHIP_GAPS): yield x, y
[docs] def reserve_system_processors(self): """ Sets one of the none monitor system processors as a system\ processor on every Chip Updates maximum_user_cores_on_chip :return:\ A CoreSubsets of reserved cores, and a list of (x, y) of chips\ where a non-system core was not available :rtype:\ (:py:class:`spinn_machine.CoreSubsets`,\ list of (int, int)) """ self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip = 0 reserved_cores = CoreSubsets() failed_chips = list() for chip in self._chips.itervalues(): # Try to get a new system processor core_reserved = chip.reserve_a_system_processor() if core_reserved is None: failed_chips.append((chip.x, chip.y)) else: reserved_cores.add_processor(chip.x, chip.y, core_reserved) # Update the maximum user cores either way if (chip.n_user_processors > self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip): self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip = chip.n_user_processors return reserved_cores, failed_chips
@property def maximum_user_cores_on_chip(self): """ The maximum number of user cores on any chip """ return self._maximum_user_cores_on_chip @property def total_available_user_cores(self): """ provides total number of cores on the machine which are not \ monitor cores :return: total :rtype: int """ return len([ processor for chip in self.chips for processor in chip.processors if not processor.is_monitor]) @property def total_cores(self): """ provides total number of cores on the machine, includes monitors :return: total :rtype: int """ return len([ processor for chip in self.chips for processor in chip.processors]) @property def has_wrap_arounds(self): """ If the machine has wrap around links :return: True if wrap around links exist, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ return (self.max_chip_x+1 == 2 and self.max_chip_y+1 == 2) or \ (self.max_chip_x+1 % 12 == 0 and self.max_chip_y+1 % 12 == 0)